Thursday, November 1, 2012

Abuse..It's not just for women anymore...

From the outside, I look just like anyone else. I wear a smile and laugh in all of the right places. On the inside, I feel as if I'm trapped in a box. I've hit a wall and I don't know which way to turn. For the first time since I joined this world, I wonder if I really belong here. Would anyone notice if I just disappeared? What would happen if I swallowed these handfuls of drugs or ran my car into that oncoming semi truck?

I wan't always this way. There was a time when I was just like everyone else. Then, I met her. I thought she was everything I ever wanted in a woman. She was smart and funny. She made me feel loved and accepted. For a while, anyway...

At first I didn't notice the little digs about me. She worded them as jokes and I laughed along side her even though they stung. I didn't notice at first how one by one all of my friends were replaced with hers until I no longer had anyone to go spend time with that didn't involve her. I thought she really needed my help around the house. I thought that she asked me where I was going whenever I left the house because she cared and would worry if I were home late.

As time passed, the digs became more frequent. She still worded them as jokes but now they weren't just directed towards me, but she told them to my family and to my few remaining friends. Slowly, so slowly she isolated me from my family, until not days or weeks had gone by but years since I had seen them. I no longer went out unless it was with her. She would tell me that I could yet at the same time made it clear that if I did, she would be unhappy with me and she was my wife, I couldn't intentionally upset her.

Then one day, I made one tiny mistake and she snapped. The woman that I loved had turned into someone that I didn't even know anymore. Suddenly all of this ugliness came pouring out. She made it clear that everything in our marriage that wasn't perfect was my fault. I was scared. She was all I had left and now she was threatening to leave me too. In those few days, I would have done anything just so that she'd show me some sign of affection.

Then, it happened. The reprieve. She told me that I was on probation. If I could prove to her that I could be a perfect spouse, she would forgive me and we would be ok. Looking back now, I realize just how ridiculous that sounds, but at the time, I was so thankful that I was being given another chance that I grabbed onto it with both hands. I did whatever she wanted. If she told me to jump, I went and bought a trampoline. I just wanted her love and affection back. We had been married for 9 years at this point and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

The thing is? It didn't change anything. Sure, she was affectionate again for a while but then just when I relaxed, the little digs started again. I tried to ignore them. I was sure that they weren't really digs but true studies on my character as a person. After all, I was the one that screwed up, right? I took every word that she said to heart and I did my best to become the person that she wanted me to be, even when it were things that were against my own nature. It was never enough. I was never good enough.

An entire year went by. When my probation was up and she didn't mention divorce again, I relaxed a little. I still did my absolute best to keep her happy but I didn't go to bed praying each night that tomorrow wouldn't be the day she announced she was leaving me.

Then something else happened..something that opened my eyes to the kind of person I was really married to. What it was doesn't really matter. What matters is that suddenly I was angry. I hadn't been allowed to be angry for so long that I almost didn't know how to handle it.

It took me months to realize that throughout our marriage, nothing had really been my fault. I had done the best any person could have done to keep another happy. In exchange, I had been belittled..subtly at first and then directly..until I believed everything she said about me. I had been isolated from not only my friends, but my family. I had to ask permission to do anything that may not involve her and if it didn't involve her, she made sure one way or another that I didn't do it.

It took me years to realize that I'm not the man that she painted me to be. I'm not lazy. I'm not stupid or incompetent. I can wash a dish or sweep a floor as well as any other person on this planet. My desire to have friends isn't wrong. As humans, we crave affection and have a general need to be around people. It's taken me even longer to start to heal the scars that were left behind..the embarrassment and shame left behind that I allowed someone to control me so completely have nearly crippled me at times. The fear that maybe she was right about the type of person that I am haunts my every failure.

Please, if any of this seems at all familiar to you, you are not alone on this planet. This happens to people, no matter their gender, every single day. Don't be ashamed. Don't be embarrassed and don't put up with it. It's not your fault and you don't deserve this. You deserve and can have better. Emotional and psychological abuse isn't limited to men towards women. Women can be just as abusive. If any of these are happening within your relationship, don't keep silent..get help and get out:

  • Your partner insults, criticizes or calls you names on a regular basis
  • Keeps you from your family and friends
  • Is jealous, possessive or does not trust you
  • Withholds affection if you don't do what they want you to
  • Threatens physical abuse against  you, your children, your family or pets
  • Continually humiliates you in public
  • Makes you ask for permission to, or monitors, who you call or spend time with
  • You find yourself walking on eggshells for fear of what ordeal may erupt at home
  • You use phrases such as: If I just stay quiet and wait it out, it will be ok.
  • You find yourself making excuses for her behavior
  • Your partner blames their behavior on you or on something such as a bad day, apologizes yet repeats the behavior

Remember, life can go on after abuse and you don't have to stay. There are plenty of loving wonderful men and women out there just waiting to find the right person. You deserve that. In life, your happiness and state of mind counts. Don't let anyone take that away from you.

Since writing this article, I have been asked what it was that set her off and earned me probation. After a lot of thought, I determined that it might help people to see just how far under the abuse I had gone. I had a friend. While my wife knew that I knew this other woman, had known her for years, she didn't realize that I was close friends with her. In fact, she was my best friend. She was someone who would always listen to me or give me a virtual hug if I needed it. We were no more than friends. Then my wife found out that she was going to be in town on business. That's it. My friend tried to be friends with my wife. She invited us out to dinner. Essentially, she acted like a friend.

Submitted by: S.K.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Story Time: Letter to a Lost Love

Sometimes, when I'm driving, I pass this tree. I call it the shoe tree because over the years, people have tied their shoes together and tossed them up into it. They say that people do that to signify the end of one thing and the beginning of another. For me, it was the beginning of us. It is the precise place that I was the first time that you texted me. I remember it like it was yesterday. I glanced down at my phone, surprised to see your name there. You had never texted or called me, even though we had exchanged numbers. I wanted to text you back, to answer the very serious question that you had asked me but there just wasn't any way to do it while driving. I suggested that you call, but you never did. Yet somehow, it was still the start of us.

I will never forget sitting in a hotel lobby, your texts keeping me company as we joked about how quickly we had climbed from zero to over a thousand and counting. You said we would do something to celebrate it as soon as we were together. It was such a silly thing to celebrate but silly was so much a part of us, that it just seemed right.

We never did celebrate that achievement. Instead, us meeting took us to entirely different levels. It was amazing and somehow, it just felt right. I've never experienced anything like it before. The truth is, I've never experienced anything like us before. I've never had that sense of intimacy and belonging with anyone. I've never had that feeling of total acceptance, love and joy. We had that together and it was the most glorious thing I have ever experienced.

I will never forget that feeling. Even though I know that I will never experience it again, I will never forget it. I will hold it in my heart, even when it threatens to tear me apart. Experiences like that change a person's life and you changed mine. Sometimes, when I think back on what we had together, it's like my heart is being torn apart. No, not torn apart. It's like the memory has exploded into shards of metal that are forcing their way from the inside out. Yet still, I will never let go of how we were together and how you made me feel.
With you, I always felt beautiful. You showed me joy. You showed me what it was like to totally relax and "just be" with someone. We were silly and we were serious.  We would talk for entire days and it feel like mere minutes had passed. I was your smile and you were my strength. Together, we were an incredible team. People said we lit up the room when we were together. We made others smile with our love and infectious laughter.

Then suddenly, everything changed. The phone calls stopped. The affection stopped. You suddenly shut me out of your life. Suddenly, I went from being your best friend, lover and confidant to being nobody. I've spent weeks, nearly months now trying to figure out what I did wrong. I've spent so many hours crying that perhaps it's gone into days now.
Sometimes late at night, I dream of you. When I close my eyes, I pray that I won't but always, there you are. You're just as you were when we first met. My hand still fits perfectly in yours and your voice still whispers the words that helped me to fall in love with you. My knowing mind rebels, trying to force me from my sleep but you hold me there. I'm bound by what we once were, forced to live out the dreams of what we could have been.
I wonder if you ever dream of me or if I'm not even worthy of the memory of what we were.  Sometimes I wish that I could forget. I sit and wonder what my life would be like now if we had never met; if you had never sent that text. Would I be a stronger person? Of course, there's no way of knowing.  Deep down, I know that I would never wipe away those memories if given the option. You showed me what it was like to live again. You showed me that real love can exist. 

I should go though. I know that while you've promised in the past to always read what I write, this letter is best meant for the trash can. For you to read it would be me opening myself up to even more pain. I don't know why you don't love me anymore, but reliving it with this letter won't help. The truth is, I don't think that I will ever fully heal from this. Someday, I will hear that you've found someone new and that you're in love. When that day comes, I know that my heart, no matter how healed will shatter into a million pieces. Until then, it will have a hole where your love used to live.

My love...the love that I have lost, I have but one wish for you. It is not for pain or even that someday you look back and see what so many others saw when they saw us. It is just for love. I hope that someday you love yourself enough to see how amazing you really can be. I hope that you find someone who loves you as much as I did and as much as I always will. You have great capacity for love and I hope that someday you use it for good and not as something to dangle in front of others and then snatch back when you realize you're becoming emotionally invested.
For now though, I leave you to live your life. There is no longer an us. We are again two lonely, heart hurting individuals who must now journey through life apart.  For me, though, I realize that I no longer wish to carry on alone. So, this is my goodbye. This is my final letter, my final song. Tonight, when the stars are out, I will do what I once told you that I longed to do. I will join the stars. I know I said someday my heart will shatter, but I realize now that it already has and I cannot put it back together.

You asked me not so long ago if I thought we could be close again. The truth is no. For that to happen, you would have to want it. Your actions scream that you don't. You've moved on and forgotten me and forgotten us. I am a nobody to you and so tonight, I will join the stars in their nightly vigil. I will fly high into the sky and watch over you until someone else comes along who can take care of you and love you. When that day comes, I will fall from the sky and be gone forever.

So, goodbye my love. Goodbye, the one person who I gave my everything to. You will never understand just how special that was. You were the one and only person in my entire life that I opened all the way up for and who I gave all of myself to. Tonight, I take back what I can. I take back my life the only way I know how.

Goodbye my lover, my best friend, my everything...and remember..tonight, when you glance up at the stars, remember that there is a new one there and maybe think of me.
Yours in life and in spirit.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Story Time: After Hours

Reaching over, she pressed the keys that would start the shutdown process on her computer. It had been a busy day at the office and she was more than ready to shut everything down and go home. She had made very simple plans for the evening. She was going to go home, put on her pajamas, warm up some of the leftover pasta she had made the night before, curl up on the couch and watch a movie. Yep, she had big plans alright and she was more than ready to get to them.

Standing up, she stretched and headed for the closet where she'd hung her jacket this morning. That's when she noticed that his office light was still on. She grumbled to herself as she opened the door and let herself into his office. He always seemed to be forgetting to turn something off and expected her to handle it for him. She was just reaching for the light switch when her eyes landed on his desk. Merciful heavens, it was a mess. How that man was going to find anything the next morning was beyond her.

Quickly, she walked over to the desk, the sound of her heels muffled in the thick carpet. Shaking her head, she efficiently tidied his desk. She had no idea that her skirt was riding up the backs of her thighs as she bent over to fetch that last pencil which had somehow wedged itself back where the desk met the wall. She had no idea that as she was straightening and organizing, he had come in behind her and stood there silently watching.

She had no idea until she felt his hands rest on her hips. Gasping, she turned in his arms, sighing with relief when she saw who it was. They had worked together long enough that she knew she had nothing to fear when it came to him. That was, until she looked up into his eyes and saw that for the first time ever, they weren't smiling down at her. They were serious, as serious as the strong hands gripping her hips. He still hadn't let go. He held her trapped between him and the edge of the desk.

She squirmed a bit, unsure of what she should do. She'd been attracted to him for months but never in that time had he shown any interest in her. He had always been entirely professional, much to her frequent chagrin and annoyance. This could be her chance, but was she brave enough to do what she'd wanted to do for ages? If she tried and it worked, it could be amazing. If she tried and he rejected her, she'd be looking for a new job in the morning instead of coming back to one that she loved.

She looked up at him again, noticing how his eyes seemed to be devouring her. Still unsure she broke eye contact, leaning back against the desk, unaware that her breathing had grown ragged or that the way she stood had caused her shirt to pull tight across her chest. He noticed though. He was like a dog trained for hunting. He could practically smell her excitement and it in turn excited him. He had been watching her for months, hoping that the right opportunity would come along and it seemed it had.

Gently, so as to not startle her, he lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers. Neither one of them were prepared for the jolt that they both felt. Startled, they  pulled away from each other. Her eyes were large as they looked up into his and of its own accord, her hand came up to rest against the white of his shirt. She could feel his heart beating against her fingers. She smiled shyly up at him, her hand sliding from his chest up to his shoulder as she raised herself up on her toes to press her lips against his again.

When they both came up for air, they were both breathing heavily. In one smooth movement, he again placed his hands on her hips but this time, he lifted her up so that she was sitting on the edge of his desk.  Her skirt rode up but after that kiss, she no longer cared. Somehow she just knew that this wasn't going to stop with a few kisses.

Drawing her close to him, he hungrily kissed her again. His hands slid up and released her long hair from the clip that she had used to keep it out of her face as she worked.  The soft strands fell down into long spiraling curls that wrapped around his fingers as he buried them again in her hair.  He broke the kiss, but only long enough to work his way to the softness of her throat.  Once there, his lips nibbled as his tongue teased against her pulse points. Soon, she was panting, her hands clutching the edge of the desk.

Stepping back, he looked down at her. She was so beautiful, her long hair cascading down her back. He knew that they were both at a point where he could have her right there on the desk, but he wanted more. He wanted her upstairs in his bed. Reaching out, he took her hand into his and led her out of the office to the private elevator that he used to access his apartment.

The doors slid closed behind them with a gentle whoosh. The second they closed, he pressed her close to the elevator wall and took her in his arms. His mouth hungrily devoured hers or it would have if she hadn't been kissing him back just as eagerly. His hands moved down, tugging her blouse from the skirt that she wore. Too soon the doors opened and with a low curse, he led her into his private domain.

By now, they were both tugging at the other's clothes and then at their own. Their progress down the hall was marked by a trail of clothing, both his and hers. He considered taking her to his bedroom but realized that it was too far away. They would just never make it. Instead, he led her into the office that he kept up here in the apartment. Once again, he lifted her up onto the edge of a desk, his mouth feasting on hers. 
Stepping back only long enough to rid himself of his dress slacks, he looked at her. She was leaned back over the desk, her chest rising and falling as she struggled to regain some control of her body. She was dressed only in a lacy black bra, matching panties and garters that led to smooth silk stockings that encased her legs. It took all he had in him not to step back over and ravage her beautiful body, but he resisted. Instead, he stepped in front of her and ran his hand up one stocking clad leg and then the other. He felt her shudder as the soft fabric carried the heat of his hand to her bare skin underneath.

She started to rise, but with his free hand, he pressed her back against the desk. He wanted to see her creamy skin against the dark polish of the wood. He wanted to see her  here like this like he had dreamed about for so many nights.  He ran his hand down over her bare skin, smiling as he felt the answering tremble deep inside of her. She had thought about this too. Somehow he knew that she had. Sliding his hand down, he brushed it over her panties. They were black, just like her bra and he loved how they stood out against her skin. She might dress demurely during the day but now that he knew what she wore under those clothes, he would never be able to look at her simple blouses the same way again. He would always remember what was beneath them.

Bending over, he pressed his lips to the space between her breasts before dragging his tongue down. He worshipped her bare skin with his mouth, one hand reaching up to take her wrists in his hand.  Standing again, he pressed a soft kiss to the inside of each wrist, her shudder being mimicked in his body as he felt the way that her pulse raced against his lips.

He knew that they had moved fast, but looking down at her trembling body, he knew that they were both at a crossroads. They could continue this or they could both walk away. Once this was done, there would be no turning back. He slowly released her and stood silently, his hands caressing the tops of her thighs until his silence caused her to look up at him.  He didn't have to ask. Without a word, she wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him in tight against her. She reached down and picked up one of his hands, bringing it to her soft lips and almost tenderly, she pressed a kiss to each of his fingertips before laying back once again on the desk.

Smiling down, he reached forward to trail just his fingertips down her neck before caressing down over her shoulders. Slowly, lingeringly, they brushed down her arm until he reached her soft hand. This he brought to his own mouth, nibbling and sucking gently on each finger before slowly releasing it and repeating the process down over her other arm and hand. He watched as her breath quickened. Her eyes were locked onto his. Together they were weaving a slow spell of seduction, a change from the desperate speed of just moments before.

Leaning forward again, he pressed a series of soft kisses along her shoulders, only pausing to slowly push the straps of her bra down over her arms, not removing it, but merely revealing the soft skin that the straps had hidden from his mouth. His mouth was firm and yet so soft and warm against her bare skin. As he worked his way over her shoulder and to the top of her chest, she sighed in delight. Her hands came up to caress over the tops of his shoulders. His body was so unlike hers. Where hers was soft, his was hard. Yet, his skin was silky smooth and she delighted in touching him while his lips worked across the top of her chest, slowly pressing her bra further down.

Slowly, her upper body was fully revealed to him and he groaned as his lips finally found one nipple and then the other. He could feel her pulse start to race again but he continued his slow progress over her body. As badly as he had wanted her before, now he wanted to just make this last. His hands and mouth worked their way down her body, tasting and nibbling and pressing lingering kisses. It may have been minutes or it may have been hours, time was lost to them as they explored each other. As he reached the top of her legs, he stood again and she raised herself up so that she could run her hands down the smoothness of his chest. 

Gathering her close, he kissed her with all of the built up hunger that they had grown between them.
Though their lips and tongues were caught up in each other, he felt the sweet moan leave her mouth and enter his. Wrapping his arms around her, he lifted her from the desk and carried her to the long leather sofa that took up one wall of the office. The leather felt cool against her heated skin and she shivered despite being on fire inside.

He knelt between her legs and pressed a soft kiss, first to her belly and then down to her inner thigh. He could smell her desire and it made him groan out loud. Taking the top of her lacy panties, he guided them down her legs to fall on the floor beside them.  Once again, he slid his hands up her stocking covered legs, groaning at their smoothness as he raised himself up again. His eyes met hers as he slid between her legs. Without a word, she wrapped her legs around his hips, guiding him closer.  They both groaned as his hard cock slowly pressed between the lips of her sex. Suddenly neither of them had any patience for the games that they had been playing. Their bodies were hungry for each other and with a low growl, he plunged deep inside her.

His hands came down to brace on either side of her head and her soft hands wrapped around his wrists, providing them both support as their bodies moved in frantic desire. This was no longer sweet, no longer tender. It was animalistic. It was primal. It was two beings desperate in the urge to mate. His cock plunged in and out at a frantic pace, her legs wrapped tight around him urging him harder and deeper inside. Together they raced to that mythical edge where the entire world stops and when the explosion came, silence suddenly reigned within the room quickly to be replaced by the ragged breathing of two people who had just seen the sun, the stars and the universe in all their glory.

Slowly she opened eyes that she hadn't been aware had been closed. Lifting a trembling hand, she brushed a curl of his dark hair back off his forehead. Capturing her wrist in his hand, he brought it again to his lips, this time to press a tender kiss to the soft inner skin before wrapping her in his arms and snuggling down on the couch with her. Neither quite knew what would happen tomorrow, but for tonight, there was more work to do....

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Story Time: Alone

It'd been yet another in a string of long days and as she stepped into the house, her only thought was, "Now what? Another night alone? I'm not sure I can do this."

Stepping into her bedroom, she slowly stripped down until she was wearing nothing more than her bra and panties. She'd bought them with someone in mind and glancing down, it was his face, his body that sprang to the front of her brain. For a moment, her eyes were sad, remembering how they'd gone from an amazing time together to barely speaking in such a short time. Not a day had gone by without her thinking about how it had felt to have her hand tucked into his or to have his hands touching her. They had been so good together and now that they had been separated, those memories were all she had.

She curled up on the bed, closing her eyes. She had done this so often lately. She had curled up on her bed, tears streaming down her face as she remembered their time together and how almost immediately after, he had pulled back. Today, however, was different. Today, she only wanted to remember the feel of his hands and the sound of his voice. Before they'd ever come together in person, they had spent weeks winding each other up and listening to the sounds that they both made together. It was in this dreamland that she found herself caught as she laid on the bed, the wind from outside her window caressing across her near naked body.

Her hands wandered of their own accord as she thought back over the times they had shared together on the phone. In her mind, she could see him there, lying on the couch like he had so many times. She could see his hand wandering over his own body. A soft whimper escaped her lips as her memories merged and she remembered the feeling of his lips on her breasts, teasing and sucking her nipples. She could feel his hair beneath her fingers as she buried her hands in its depths.

A single tear rolled down her cheek as her own hand slid down between her legs, separating the smooth lips below. In her head, she heard his moans as he slid inside of her. Her back arched and her legs parted as she slid her soft fingers over her sex. In her mind, it was him. It was his body pressed up against hers and his manhood sliding deep inside of her. She could hear his voice as her body moved beneath her hands. In what seemed like mere moments, she was lost in the fantasy. Her bedroom, her bed, none of it existed. In her mind, she only saw him and the places that they had been together. In his arms, she had found heaven and it was that feeling that she desperately drove herself towards again.
Her fingers dipped down, rubbing and pressing against her clit as her soft moans filled the air. She could feel him, the weight of his body pressed against hers as he teased her. He had slid deep inside and sat there, waiting, staring down into her desire glazed eyes. It felt as real now as when it had happened then. Her hips rose of their own accord, wanting more than just the teasing of her fingers. Her body craved his and still lost in the dream, her fingers slid further down until her body was impaled upon them.

This is what he had done to her. He had impaled her body with his own, joining them together. In that moment, time had stilled and something had shifted inside of her. A bond had been forged and a piece of her would always belong to him. It was that piece that now called out for him, his name whispered frantically like the beat of a tribal drum. It was that piece that kept her buried in the fantasy as her body trembled and shuddered beneath her own hands. It was that piece that flung her over the edge of the dark abyss, leaving her body lying broken and shattered as her heart beat frantically within the confines of her chest. It was that piece, temporarily sated that pulled her down into sleep where the rest of her could start to heal. 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Story Time: Rain Part 3

He let her drift, knowing that soon her body would have to adjust back to being in its own time zone. He hated to see her leave. In the short time that she had been there, he had gotten used to having her nearby. He sighed softly and pulled her closer to him, the frown on his face shifting to a grin as she grumbled softly about being moved just when she'd gotten comfy. If he didn't want her to rest, he'd have swatted her ass but instead, he wrapped himself around her and pressed a soft kiss to the back of her head.

He hadn't meant to drift off himself, but he had. The soft sound of rain hitting the roof of the tent woke him. He had hoped this might happen. Quite often it did this time of year. He wanted to share this first with her.  She was still asleep and he knew that if he woke her abruptly, she would be cranky so he decided to ease her back into consciousness in a way they would both enjoy.

Easing out from behind her, he gently rolled her on her back. With just his fingertips, he gently caressed first her cheek, then her neck and then down over her chest. She sighed in her sleep and turned towards him instinctively. Even in her dreams, he was the one she turned to.

Leaning over, he brushed his lips across her bare shoulder. Her skin was soft beneath his lips and he lingered there, inhaling her scent before working his way down her arm. With his hand, her tenderly stroked her back, slowly waking her body from its slumber. She murmured softly, trying to snuggle in closer to him. It made him smile as he ran the palm of his hand down her back until it came to rest on the very spot he had considered swatting earlier. He still didn't swat it, but instead rubbed it with his hand, using the gentle pressure to press her hips up against him.

With his mouth, he nibbled and kissed his way along her jaw line until he found her lips, warm and soft and ready for him. She wasn't quite awake yet but already her body was responding to his touch.  As she shifted from dreams to reality, his hands again pulled her close to him. He knew the moment she awoke, her body pressed against his. Her body came alive. Her hands caressed over him and her mouth went from sleepy soft to sexy and needy. Just that fast, she was ready for him. Her responsiveness was something he would never complain over.

Chuckling, he took her sweet face in his hands and kissed her tenderly.
"No, my pet. Not here. Come with me."

He stood and led her out of the tent. She gasped as the cool rain first struck her warm skin. Then, with eyes filled with wonder, she looked up at him. He bent his head, kissing her, his hands gliding over her now rain dampened skin.  He pulled her close to him, teasing her with his arousal before releasing her and leading her again to the table. Once there, he instructed her to sit on the top with her feet resting on the bench.

Eager to please him, she climbed onto the table and turned again to face him. She moaned as he came to stand before her, lowering his head to taste the rain as it ran down her chest. When he kissed her again, she poured all of her desire and needs into that one kiss. Her hands glided over his rain slicked chest and down to his hips. As they pulled apart again, their ragged breathing gave testament to their need.

Looking in his eyes, she slid one soft hand down to wrap around him. Once again, his eyes locked onto hers and in hers he read her need to please him, to make this moment last for as long as they had. He kissed her again before having her change places with him. As soon as he was settled, he wrapped his hand in her long hair and guided her to kneel on the bench in front of him.

She smiled up at him, a sweet smile that lit up her face before she pressed a soft kiss to his chest. Her lips lingered just over his heart for a moment, a symbolic gesture that wasn't lost on him. He ran his free hand over her cheek and she pressed against it for a moment before shifting so that she could lower her head.

Her cheek rubbed up against his thigh and he spread his legs for her.  She watched him as she reached out and ran her fingers along his length. She felt the quick intake of breath and the subtle shudder that ran through his body. Pressing one last kiss to his thigh, she tilted her head to trace her tongue along where her fingers had just been. She ran her tongue along, purring as the taste of the rain blended with his unique flavor. While she loved teasing him like this, soon it wasn't enough for either of them. He pulled her head back, using the hand he had wrapped in her hair. He didn't speak, just looked at her.
When she lowered her head again, she wrapped her soft lips around him, slowly lowering her mouth until her lips brushed against her hand where it held him at the base. Moaning softly, the rain leaving its slick paths down their bodies, she made love to him in the most intimate way she knew how. This wasn't something she had given to many and she gave it to him with everything she had. Her soft mouth moved against his hard cock. Her tongue danced against the underside just like his had danced against her clit hours before. His moans, rising above the sound of the rain, were music to her ears. She wanted to give him more. She wanted to give him everything.

When he could take no more, he pulled her to her feet. He kissed her hungrily, pulling her body hard up against his. He moved from the table, only long enough to have her stretch out on it. He used his hands and his mouth to bring her to the same desperate edge that he was balanced upon. Then, when neither of them could stand another minute of torment, he entered her. No, he didn't just enter her. He plunged deep inside of her. Their moans were lost on the wind, but their eyes were locked on each other. Desperation drove them both. This wasn't love making. This was primal. This was two people, desperate to find release in the other, desperate for one another.

Her fingers clutched at him, her legs wrapped around his hips. With his mouth he alternated between whispering desperate words of longing and kissing her with all the passion they had shared. They were frantic and when the moment came, their worlds shattered. He held her close, pouring more than just his seed into her. He poured his devotion into her and held her as her silent tears melded with the rain. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Story Time: Rain Part 2

He had released her from the bonds that held her to the table and then pulled her close to him.  She smelled like sex and sunshine all rolled into one and he knew that it would always be a scent that reminded him of her. He had planned this day not just for her, but for them. It would be a series of firsts and somehow he doubted he would ever want to share anything like this with anyone else. She was special. In some ways, he considered her his muse. She gave him ideas and made him even more creative than he already was.

His lips when they touched hers were firm. She whimpered softly, her body melting against his. He knew her muscles would be a bit stiff after her time on the table, so he led her into the tent and had her lay down on the soft cushions of the sleeping bags. He slid her hair up over her shoulder, bending down to press a soft kiss at the base of her neck. He smiled as he felt as well as heard her soft sigh.  He loved how this woman could be such an enigma at times. She longed for his tender touch as much as she longed for his rough dominance. She loved to feel cherished and at the same time reminded that she belonged to him.

He urged her to close her eyes and relax as he ran his hand over her soft skin. His goal now wasn't to arouse, but to sooth. She had done well, his pet and he was proud of her. With him she had done so many things that she never thought she could, including what had just happened outside. He wanted to reward her and so he tenderly began to massage out the kinks that being bound on a hard table will add to a body. Her skin was warm from the sun and soft under his hands and he could feel her relaxing beneath his touch. He began at her shoulders and slowly worked his way down. His hands were strong but gentle and she sighed again, her eyes drifting shut. He worked his way down, even massaging her feet before working his way back up to the backs of her thighs. He chuckled when she sleepily grumbled at his request that she roll over. He knew how she hated to be woken up and she had just started drifting off to sleep.

She did as he asked though, slowly turning over and looking up at him.  Again, his hands came to rest on her shoulders as he leaned over to kiss her. They didn't remain there, though. They slowly slid their way down, massaging her breasts. His intent now was on arousal as he molded and massaged them with his hands. Her breathing shifted and hitched as he teased first one nipple and then the other. His head came down as he sucked one into his warm mouth, tugging and sucking on it. Her hands, of their own accord, came to rest on his shoulders, her fingers flexing into the skin there.  He teased and tormented her, one hand sliding down to rest on her hip.

She whimpered and the sound rippled in the stillness of the tent. It hung in the air for a moment before dropping away. His hand slid from her hip to part her thighs. He felt the tremble that ran through her body as it was pinned beneath him.  Her body was so responsive and he could feel her excitement as he slid his hand between her now parted thighs.  He teased a finger along the smooth skin there. He knew that by being waxed, it made her so much more sensitive so he took his time, brushing his finger against the warm skin. She moaned, her hips trying to raise to meet the touch of his finger.
Slowly, he released her nipple from his mouth, his mouth now moving up by her ear. He felt the ripple that ran though her as he whispered, "Yes, pet? What is it that you want?"  She whimpered again, her hips arching up against the hand he now rested over top of her slit. He knew what she wanted but waited. He waited until she softly whispered, "Please..please touch me. I need you." With that, his finger parted her lips to find her wet and ready for him. He teased her clit, watching her body writhe against his. He slid one finger inside her only to bring it out and to his lips. She moaned, watching as he slid his finger past his lips to suck it clean. 

A trembling sigh escaped her lips as he leaned over again, whispering just how good she tasted.  He loved to torment her like this. He knew that certain things, told to her would drive her crazy and he took full advantage of that, whispering to her the things he wanted to do to her. Before long, she was trembling against him and he chuckled softly as he moved down her body. He paused again to run his tongue over her nipples. He paused at her soft belly, pressing his lips there.  This was an area that she was shy about so he took his time, kissing and stroking her there;  reminding her that he found her body beautiful, all of her body.

Then, he slid down further until he was kneeling between her legs. He rested a hand on each hip before running them down her legs. He knew that she had taken extra care for him. It was just one of those things that she did without him having to ask.  Every morning she would smooth lotion into her skin, to keep it soft and supple. Lowering his head, he caught the soft aroma of it on her thighs as he placed a nibbling kiss to the insides of each one.

She squirmed beneath him, feeling his beard tickle the insides of her legs. Shaking his head, he slid his hands down and under her, raising her hips and at the same time, holding her in place. She never could hold still unless he bound her that way. He dropped a soft kiss to her slit, groaning softly as he realized just how ready she was for him. He could smell her scent on the air as he dragged his tongue over her smooth skin before dipping it inside. She trembled and he tightened his grip to remind her that he expected her to attempt to stay still. She stilled and he teased his tongue up against her clit as a reward. He could feel her body tremble in her attempts not to buck up against his mouth.

God, she tasted good. He could never get enough of doing this to her. It was more than just her taste, it was watching her body as someone took the time to please her. It was watching her face as her arousal grew and as she broke apart into a million tiny pieces. It was hearing her lose control. It was all of those things and more. He knew she didn't understand his desire to do this for her but knowing that he wanted it was more than enough for her.

He spent a few minutes teasing her clit. His tongue danced against it and he drew it into his lips, sucking and tugging on it lightly. He watched as her hands clutched at the sleeping bags, trying to keep herself grounded.  He brought her just to the edge and then drew back. He gave her but a moment to start to relax before dipping his tongue in deeper, tasting her.  With his hands, he held her close. He could feel the little twitches as he ran his tongue again up to her clit. Her head was thrown back, her long hair tangling beneath her shoulders as she lost the last vestiges of control.  He softly stroked her hip, letting her know it was ok. Her hips immediately moved against him, pressing up against his questing mouth. Her moans filled the tent and within moments, he heard her breath hitching and doubled his efforts.

When the moment came, he held her close, pushing her over the edge and lapping up the rewards of his efforts. As her body slowly relaxed beneath his, he kissed his way back up her body to pull her into his arms.  He held her close, pressing soft kisses to the back of her head. He felt and heard the long contented sigh that escaped her lips. Nuzzling the back of her neck, he softly whispered, asking her how she was feeling just so he could hear her soft , "mmm..I'm good..." She had been teased to be a woman of many voices, but this one was his personal favorite. She was all soft and melty and he snuggled her close, already thinking about what else he had in store for her.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Story Time: Rain Part 1

Honestly, she thought she must be out of her mind. Work was piling up at home and yet somehow she'd allowed herself to be convinced to come brave ridiculous temperatures in Arizona. In August. Oh who was she kidding? She wanted this trip as much as he did. She was more than happy to leave behind the piles of review materials that had stacked up over the summer to come spend time with him. This was more than just their night together. They would have an entire 5 days and for that, she would brave the heat. Besides, she'd been promised a night outdoors and that was more than enough to tempt her into putting herself in his hands again.

Once she was back in his arms, the week flew by. One minute it was Monday and the next it was Friday and time for the promised outdoor excursion. She honestly had no idea what he had in mind, just that for the next 24 hours, she would be completely at his mercy and under his guidance. He disappeared for a few hours in the morning and she took that time to finish packing up her things. When they returned, she would only have one last night with him before she would have to fly back home and she didn't want to waste a single minute with him doing mundane and sad things like packing bags. 

When he returned, he wouldn't give her a clue as to where they were going. He just told her to trust him as he drove them further and further away from civilization. She was excited though more than a little nervous. He was a creative man and she couldn't begin to fathom what he had in store for them. She didn't bother to try to hide her surprise when they pulled up at what was clearly a campsite in the middle of nowhere. When he had said outdoors, she hadn't imagined that he had planned to actually spend all night outside. How he had managed to find a location in Arizona that actually had trees was also surprising to her. So far everything that she had seen was other sand (aka dirt) or covered with prickly things that she didn't especially want to get anywhere near. They were lovely but being stuck with pointy prickly things was not on her fetish enjoyment list.

Somehow though, he had found an oasis and had brought her to it. He let her explore and wander for a few minutes. He loved her childlike joy in the simple things. He had known of this place and earlier had come out to set it up so that it would be ready for them. No one would bother them here. Few knew this place existed and those that did wouldn't be venturing out this way anytime soon. This was their private paradise for the next 24 hours and he was going to make sure that when they left, they would both carry memories that would last them a lifetime. 

After she had been allowed to explore everything, he instructed her to take her bag into the tent. It was just a small bag, holding no more than a couple of changes of clothes. She had a feeling that there wouldn't be much use for them but he had requested one or two outfits and so, there was the bag. Entering the tent, she couldn't help the kind of silly grin that crossed her face as she saw the laid out sleeping bags and next to them, the neatly coiled piles of rope. It seemed he had something planned and she couldn't wait to get started. 

When she left the tent, she was surprised to see that he didn't seem to be anywhere about. She looked around, taking in again the natural beauty of the location that he had found for them. It really was amazing but it would be better with the man she had come to love spending as much time with as she could. She looked around once again and this time found the note that had been left on the table for her. It read quite simply:

"I want you to stand right where you are and slowly strip off all of your clothes for me. Fold them neatly and place them back in the tent. Then, return here and lay down on top of the table. I'll be with you soon."

She blushed, just like he knew she would. She loved the games that he played with her, but she'd never been able to stop blushing when he took her by surprise with something new. He knew that she would do as he asked and he had intentionally said slowly because he knew that she'd be hesitant to be naked outside of the confines of the bedroom. He watched her through the viewfinder on his camera. He knew she'd have a small fit if she knew what he was doing, but what she didn't know...well, he would tell her later and these were for his private collection, anyway. She really was beautiful to him. Too soon, she was sliding up onto the table and laying back. He knew she burned easily and so he had placed it in a small patch of shade and the artistic part of his mind appreciated the way the shadows danced across her naked body. The rest of his mind was already on the next part of what he wanted to do to her. 

He had told her to lie still so he knew she didn't notice when he carefully laid the camera down as he approached her. Coming close, he leaned over to kiss her. As he broke the kiss, he whispered in her ear, loving the way that those three simple words made her shiver every time. She nodded in response to his question and he carefully slipped the blindfold over her eyes. This was new for them and he gave her a moment to adjust before trailing his fingers over her body as he reached for the first section of rope that he would use to bind her to the table. 

He worked quietly, carefully placing each section of rope until he had the pattern and design that he had been dreaming about for months. When he was done, he ran his fingers over the ties and over her body, chuckling as he watched her body respond to his touch. There was no denying that she had long ago given herself to him and her body recognized this fact. Teasingly, he brushed his lips across hers and then stepping back, trailed his fingers down the length of her body. She had known he would be taking bondage shots on this trip so it didn't surprise her when she heard the quiet click of the shutter. If anything, it aroused her even more. She wasn't yet comfortable with her own body enough to look at the images, but she knew how much he enjoyed them. Knowing how much got her more and more turned on until it became an effort to lay still for him. She wanted his touch. 

He watched her as he took shot after shot of her, stretched out across the table for him. He watched as her body continued to react to not only his ties but the knowledge that he was taking photos. His own arousal grew with hers. This was a woman that he may never be able to take detached shots of. He knew the delights that her body held and would always react to seeing her. Again, he sat down the camera and approached her. She heard his approach and whimpered with the need to touch him and to be touched. Normally, he might have chuckled but watching her squirm against her bonds had him wanting her as badly as she wanted him. His control was razor thin as he released the bonds that held just her legs. He would have her, but he would have her his way. 

She whimpered as she realized he wasn't going to release the upper portion of her body. She wanted so badly to be able to touch him. Her whimpers turned to a gasp though as she felt him climb onto the table with her and lifting her legs, thrust himself deep inside of her. His groan melded in the air with hers as he took her, hard and fast on the table. Leaning over, he ripped off the blindfold, locking his gaze onto hers as he pounded deep inside of her, filling her. His fingers dug into her thighs, leaving tiny bruises that they would discover later. He didn't care. He had to have her. Her body trembled against the remaining bonds, moving with him as much as it was allowed. 

Their bodies moved at a frantic pace. Suddenly, it stopped. The whole world stopped, paused on the edge as he buried himself one last time deep inside of her. Her legs wrapped tight around him, pulling him as close as they could as they both clung to each other. Their orgasms, timed in perfect unison, held them there, held them together before slowly releasing them. Slowly, the world started turning again and he leaned over to kiss her softly before taking a moment to bury his face in her throat. Sliding off the table, he chuckled at the groan that always came when he slipped from her. Releasing her from the remains of their bonds, he pulled her close, again whispering in her ear...

"I think my pet liked that..just wait until what I have planned for later..."

Quick Story Time Note

I want to start out by thanking all of you for the amazing response that I have received for my stories. When I first launched this site, I wasn't totally sure where it would lead to and when life happened, my hopes for it had to be put on the back burner. It wasn't until a few friends of mine encouraged me to post my stories here that this site really began to take shape and gain life. The hits on the first two story time days were beyond anything I could imagine. Since then, the hits have slowed down tremendously but I'm not letting that discourage me. So many of you are still encouraging me to write and seem so eager to read my stories.

Since it does take me time to write and proof these stories, I wanted to let you know that my current plan is to post 1-2 stories a week. I'm going to try to post something every Wednesday and then using my Facebook page, come up with some way for all of you to "earn" a second story. Today's goal was simple..I just asked that 10 people like or comment on a post. Story earned!

This next story will be broken down into 3 parts. It is, to date, the longest piece of erotica that I have written and it's rather special to me because I wrote it as a gift to someone special. I'm not going to name names because he knows who he is and it is with his permission that I am posting this. I hope that you enjoy it as much as both him and I did. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Story Time: The Barn

There were certain benefits to living in the middle of nowhere. The barn was one of those. From the outside, it didn't look like much. Just an old barn at the back of the property. The outside was misleading. If you were to step inside, you would find far more than just storage shelving and boxes. You would find a secret place that few would ever know existed. When she'd first moved here, the barn had been a miserable place not even worth throwing old boxes into. She'd spent more time and money on fixing it how she'd wanted than she had on the interior of her own home. New floors had been poured and laid and a dividing wall had been put up. The front of the barn was typical garage type storage. It was what was behind the wall that would have shocked some and impressed others. Storage cabinets lined the walls. The floors were shining hardwood and standing in the middle of the floor stood a well built A-frame. Anyone who wandered in here would think they'd found an exotic dungeon and they would be right. Nobody wandered in though. This space was a closely guarded secret and she let few in its doors. Today, she would be allowing someone new in.

She would meet him at the end of the driveway. Today, she belonged to him and her own inner protocol dictated that she be there waiting for him. Had this not been a public location, she would have awaited him kneeling. She had already prepared the space. On a small table, she had laid out a variety of floggers, crops and paddles. On another, she had placed furs, knives and coils of carefully bundled ropes. The cabinet doors were all unlocked to give him access to anything she may not have thought of. Looking around one last time, she shut the door behind her and walked to the end of the driveway.

Had anyone been watching, they would have seen his car pull up and what would appear to be two old friends talking. She tucked her arm into his and casually walked back down the driveway, describing the property and what she had done to it since she had moved in. When they reached the barn, she unhooked the latch on the door and led him inside. There, in the cover of the building, he wrapped his hand in her hair, a move that few people knew could bring her to her knees. He felt her wobble and smiled to himself. He had found the first of her weaknesses. Before the day was done, he intended to see what else had that kind of affect on her. 

She led him through the door in the back and into her private space. His eyes widened with appreciation as he looked around. The space was comfortable yet sexy as hell and the little bit of nerves that he could feel as he touched her excited him. He released her, but only long enough to close the door behind them, locking them away from the outside world. For as long as they were here, it would only be the two of them. Taking her by the hand, he led her to the middle of the space. There, he stepped back to admire the picture that she made. It was nice, but it would get better. 

He ordered her to undress and watched her as she did so. She quickly removed each item before neatly folding it and laying it on a chair that had been placed in the corner out of the way. Smiling, she came to stand before him once more. His eyes and then his hands ran appreciatively over the curves of her body. He could practically hear her purr as he touched her. It made him wonder what other sounds he could get her to make and with that thought in mind, he led her over to the A-frame.  He centered her beneath it, facing her away from him. The surprise of what would come next would just add to what he was about to do to her. 

She had laid out a variety of bondage materials. There were handcuffs and leather cuffs as well as the rope. He found her eye for detail and her consideration for his possible desires a lovely trait. He liked that she wanted to please him in any way that she could. Taking a length of rope, he uncoiled it and used it to bind each of her wrists before looping it up and over a hook inserted in the top of the frame. With her arms stretched above her head, he knelt in front of her to repeat the process with her ankles, this time binding them to the frame itself. 

She squirmed just a little. She wasn't used to being tied like this. It was exciting but it made her just a little bit nervous at the same time. She was a woman used to being in control and to not only be bound but to be turned away from seeing anything took her out of her comfort zone. She'd known though that this would be a possibility. She wasn't afraid and if she were honest with herself, the excitement far outweighed her nerves. 

He could feel her nerves as he ran his hand up her soft body. Her body was practically humming with the combination of emotions racing through her. He liked that. He liked keeping her guessing. It added to his own enjoyment of their time together. Giving her nipple a friendly tweak, he stepped around behind her to see what had been laid out and what he might want to start with. Picking up a soft piece of fur, he wrapped it around his hand and came to stand behind her again. He felt her soft shudder of pleasure as he ran the fur over her back and down over the rounded cheeks of her ass. He watched as her head dipped forward and her eyes drifted shut. Normally he would demand they stay open but he wanted to watch her natural reactions. Commands and orders could come later. 

He took his time warming her up, running his hands and the fur over her body before switching over to one of the soft leather floggers laying on the table. He didn't swing it, he merely draped it over her body, letting the falls caress her skin. She stood silently but he could feel the energy in the room. He continued caressing her bare skin with the flogger, every now and then bringing it back and letting it now thud against her. He heard her soft sigh and realized that she was actually moving back into each swing. Chuckling, he set up a steady rhythm with the flogger, letting her get used to the pattern and the slow increase in weight behind each swing. 

He waited until he knew her skin was warm and tingly and then he switched to another flogger. This one wasn't leather, but actually a plastic. Again, he started slow, teasing her with the feel of it against her skin before bringing it back. This time, she didn't move into the blow but stood there.  He knew that the slash of the plastic must sting but other than the occasional whimper, she never moved. After a few minutes, she started leaning back into the blows. By this time, her skin was pink and glowing. He worried about hurting her, but she had warned him that she could take much more than it would appear. Trusting her, he kept up the rhythm while reaching for a horse hair flogger with his other hand.  This one, he knew would sting and yet when he brought it across the back of her thighs and ass, she didn't move away. He heard her whimper and walked around her. Her head was still down and her eyes were still closed. He draped the flogger across her shoulders and raised her chin with his hand. Her eyes opened again for a moment but closed as he gathered her close to kiss her. She poured herself into the kiss, straining against the ropes to get closer to him. When they parted, neither one of them was steady. 

Taking a deep breath, he ran his hand down over her chest and her stomach to rest between her legs. She wasn't just wet, she was soaked. He slid a finger inside, his mouth moving to capture her moan. Her body was primed and in no time at all, he had her writhing against his hands, begging him for release. The flogger fell to the floor, momentarily forgotten. His attention was focused solely on bringing her to orgasm. Her attention was focused solely on him and the feelings that he was creating deep inside of her. He kissed her again, his hands never stilling their movements on and inside of her. She pulled against the ropes, begging him to let her cum. He leaned over her, his mouth now up against her ear as he spoke the words she was so desperate to hear, "Cum, my pet." Her body bucked against him, only the ropes now holding her in place. When it was done, he slowly released her from her bonds and allowed her to curl up against the A-frame, watching him as he replaced the items that he had used. 

She smiled, watching him, enjoying the feeling of complete mellowness that always followed something like this. He kept an eye on her, making sure that she was ok. She liked that. It showed that she was more than just a scene to him. She was a person who mattered. When he was done, he helped her to her feet then sat down on the chair that was placed in the other corner. It was a large chair, made for relaxing and he pulled her down on his lap. With her head resting against his shoulder, he quietly ran his hand over her hair and down her back. This was a quiet time and neither of them felt the urge to talk. Together, they had both experienced something new together and this was the time after for them to just be against one another. 

After a while, she stirred and raised her head to look at him. He smiled and gently kissed her before allowing her to slide off his lap and get dressed again. She walked to the door and held out a hand to him. He placed his in hers and together, they went to explore the other areas of her home that she had spent so much time creating.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Story Time: Morning Pleasures

Morning had come once again and once again, she didn't really want to get up. Her bed was comfy and the quilt covering her naked body felt soft as she stretched. She was just trying to convince herself that she ought to get out of bed when she remembered the night before. He had sent her to bed with a specific task and she was afraid that she had failed him in that. She was supposed to bring herself to orgasm with her hands, pretending they were his hands. She had tried. She had slipped beneath the covers and had begun to run her hands over her body, teasing it like he would. The smell of her arousal had filled the space beneath the blankets and her eyes had slipped shut as she appreciated the softness of her own skin. Except, her eyes had never re-opened. She had fallen into a deep and satisfying sleep before she could complete her task. Stretching again, she realized just how satisfying her sleep must have been or more accurately, how satisfying her dreams must have been. Her skin was warm and pliant and as she shifted, she could feel the dampness between her legs rub onto her thighs. She was tightly built in that area and for her arousal to have spread out past the soft folds was surprising, even to her. She pouted a bit, wishing she could remember just what she'd dreamed about the night before.  

Pulling the blanket up under her chin, she smiled and wondered what he was doing right now. He was probably sound asleep. That was the problem with time differences. There was a bit of the devilish imp inside her that wished she could call and wake him up. She knew just what she'd do and how much he'd love listening to her. Closing her eyes, she let her hands drift down over her body. Her skin was so soft and warm. While she didn't usually enjoy touching herself this way, somehow it was different when it was for him. She could appreciate the curves of her body and the smoothness of her skin. Her body was responsive and it didn't take long for the arousal between her legs to spread throughout her body. Her soft hands glided over her chest and down to her thighs. One hand slipped between and she moaned out loud to feel just how wet she was there. Her fingers caressed alongside the ring that was hidden there, rubbing against the flesh beneath. With her other hand, she teased and tweaked her nipples, twisting and tugging on them. Her moans filled the air as she drove herself to  the orgasm that she had missed the night before. Suddenly it wasn't enough. She needed to feel him inside of her but he wasn't there. Her toy bag was though and reaching next to the bed, she pulled out one of her glass toys. It wasn't him but she would make it work. She owed him that orgasm and she was frantic to be sure she gave it to him. 

She slipped the toy under the edge of her body, warming the cold glass against her skin while her fingers continued teasing and stroking over her body. When she just couldn't stand another minute without him, she took it and in one smooth stroke, buried it deep inside of her. She gasped, her hips arching up to draw the now warm glass deeper inside of her. She was desperate now. She wanted to feel him plunging deep inside of her. No, she needed to feel it. She needed him. The sounds coming from her now were a series of moans and whimpers. Her fingers wrapped around the base of the toy as she plunged it in and out of her dripping warmth. Her other hand left her nipples and traveled down to press her ring against the plunging glass. She could feel the heat pooling deep inside of her and her eyes flew open as the first wave of the orgasm hit her. She froze and his name slipped past her lips as her hands fell limply to the bed. 

Her body contented, she curled back up under the blanket, daydreaming about the upcoming weeks and where this journey of lust would end up when they were finally face to face. She had just convinced herself again to get out of bed when her phone went off. It was him. Somehow, she always knew when the message would be from him. He asked about her morning, which brought yet another smile to her face. He cared as much or maybe more about her than he did the sex. That was a nice change from so many of the men that she knew. She was honest with him and told him that it had been a good morning and that she was still naked in bed. Considering the time, she wasn't surprised when this got his attention. He asked just what she'd been doing all naked in bed and again, she was honest with him. She told him that she'd been enjoying herself for him and that she was just about to head to the shower. She wasn't expecting his next text message where he told her to get on her hands and knees and do it all over again. 

She expected to be embarrassed, but instead, she found herself turned on all over again. She loved when he would give her orders. She was really meant to serve and it gave her great pleasure to do the things that he demanded of her. She only confirmed that he wanted it done now and not later before she sat her things aside that she had gathered for her shower. Rolling over, she rested her cheek on the pillow and slid her fingers down between her legs. She had never done anything like this before and wasn't quite sure how it would feel. Much to her surprise, she found herself moaning in pure pleasure as her fingers slid over her clit. Closing her eyes, she stroked along it, moaning and imagining him there watching her. Her body was already so sensitive from her earlier play session that in what seemed like only moments, she was reaching again for the toy to see how it would fit inside her from this angle. 

Her eyes flew open as the toy slid open and she silently thanked him for giving her this experience. This felt beyond good. This felt right. She found that by holding it in place, she could rock back against it and it was almost as if he were there with her. The feeling was incredible and within moments, she could feel her body begin to pulse around the hardness deep inside of her. His name was like a chant on her lips as her orgasm exploded deep inside of her. Her legs buckled and she fell to the bed in a twitching pile of aftershocks. She knew that she needed to let him know that she'd followed his orders so she reached one hand out until it found her phone. It took her about four tries to get the text written because her eyes were foggy and her body was still twitching. She managed however and his response gave her a smile that stayed with her all day. 

There really was nothing like serving a man who knew just how to please not only himself but her as well...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Story Time: The First Time

She had waited weeks for this night to happen. Now, she wasn't so sure that she was ready for this. This was unlike anything she had ever done and she wasn't quite sure that she hadn't lost her mind at some point. Glancing at the clock, she knew though that it was too late to back out. He would be here any minute. 

Sighing softly, she glanced in the mirror one more time. She knew there was nothing more that she could do. She was who she was and he would either be interested ...or he wouldn't. It was that second option that had her nervously glancing around the room. She didn't know his likes or his expectations so there hadn't been much that she could do to prepare for this visit. It was in her personality to try to make everything perfect. She wanted to please him, but this time, she worried that she was out of her league. 

Caught up in her own thoughts and worries, the knock at the door startled her. Somehow ten minutes had passed and she had been unaware of it. She didn't want to keep him waiting but nerves had her hesitating to approach the door. She stood there, staring at the door, nervously running her tongue over her lips as thoughts slid through her mind in rapid fire succession. When the second knock came, however, she took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. 

There he was. The man who she'd spoken to, emailed with and fantasized about for the past two months. She stood there, one hand still on the doorknob and looked up at him. She didn't realize how her eyes gave everything away. Looking down into their large, dark depths, he could see the nerves battling with her excitement. Taking her chin in his hand, he leaned over to kiss her softly before asking if she was going to let him come in. 

The fact that she blushed amused him. How was it that he had found a girl who talked about sex, wrote about sex and even taught about sex yet when it became at all personal blushed like she'd never heard the word before? This woman was an enigma and he never tired of learning more about her. Tonight, he would be learning a side of her that they had only fantasized about.

Unaware of what was going on his mind, she stepped aside to allow him to enter the room. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and then closed the door behind her, knowing that this was it. This was the moment that she would find out if their attraction was mutual or one that she had only hoped for. 

The door had barely closed when he took her into his arms. The moment his lips touched hers, she knew she was lost. For this night, she belonged to him. She wouldn't allow herself to think of any other night. For them, this was their time. She didn't know what would happen after this and with his arms holding her tight, she didn't care. Tomorrow would take care of itself and for tonight, she would take care of him. 

He was strong and she reveled in that. She loved how he could move her wherever he wanted. He loved her eagerness and her desire to please him. Combined, they could have powered Las Vegas for a week with their energy. There wasn't any talk, just movement. Without a word, he ordered her to strip down to nothing more than the black lace that she wore under her clothes. 

This time, there were no blushes. He held her captive with his eyes as her hands undid each button and slid each zipper down. When she finished, she folded each piece and placed it onto a chair before coming to stand before him once more. His eyes drank in the creamy whiteness of her skin against the black of her remaining clothes. Of their own accord, his hands came up to trail lazily from her chin, down over her chest only to come to rest at her hips as he pulled her in for another kiss. Then, with a slight swat on the ass, he nudged her back from him so that he could stand. 

Once he was standing, he took her by the hand and guided her over to the open doorway between the bedroom and the bathroom. Then, taking each one of her hands in turn, he pressed a lingering kiss to the inside of each wrist before slowly wrapping the rope around each one. He had every intention of taking his time and creating an atmosphere where time stood still. 

Silently, he continued his work; draping and dragging rope against her bare skin. Soon, the only sounds in the room were of her slightly ragged breathing as her skin became more and more sensitive to his touch and the feel of the rope. In what could have been mere minutes or hours, he had her completely secured to the door frame. He knew she wouldn't try to get away but even if she did, there wasn't anywhere that she was going to go. The ropes would hold her in place.

He had considered blind folding her but decided that he wanted her to watch him, to know the slow torture that he had planned for her. He wanted to watch her eyes, now so alert and watching him go blank with desire. They were new to each other and he planned to take his time exploring and learning her body. Since he had finished tying at her ankles, he decided that would be a good place to start to introduce her to the pleasures he had in store for her that evening.

Sitting back, he slid one hand up around the back of her calf, letting his fingers gently stroke and caress there while his other hand slid up the back of her other leg. He smiled as he heard her soft, quick intake of breath before leaning forward to press a soft kiss to her inner thigh. This time, he felt the slight tremor that rippled through her body as his hands slid higher, first to her thighs and then to her waist as he raised himself up on his knees. He smiled up at her as his fingers teased along the waist of the black lace that barely covered her. 

She didn't know what to expect, where his hands or mouth might go next. For weeks, he had teased her with what it might feel like to have his mouth tormenting the soft junction between her thighs. Part of her expected him to start there, but he didn't. Instead, his hands continued their trek upward and his body rose to press up against hers. She swayed in the ropes that held her in place, not to get away but to press closer to him. She wanted to feel his hands on her body and his lips pressed against hers. With her eyes, she begged him to touch her. With her body, she tried to show him just how much she wanted him. 

His eyes locked with hers as with one hand he held her close and with the other, he traced his fingers up her spine until his fingers were tangled in the hair at the base of her neck. It was then and only then that he kissed her. His lips were firm and warm as they teasingly brushed against hers. She whimpered and his fingers tightened in her hair, pulling her head back until her neck was open to his mouth. Knowing how much it would drive her crazy, he nibbled along her jaw line before lightly bathing her exposed throat with his tongue. 

She was a woman who wanted someone to realize that she was more than just boobs and a quick roll in the hay. She wanted someone to take their time with her, to make her feel cherished and desired. Feeling his body against hers and his mouth slowly roaming over her throat, she was sure that she had finally found the person who could do that. She couldn't hold back the whimper that escaped her parted lips as she felt him lightly nip her throat and then run his tongue over the spot to sooth the sting. Her head fell back, his hand no longer needed in the curls that draped over her shoulders and down her back.

Sensing her submission, he moved his mouth lower, teasing over the hollow in the base of her throat and then down to brush over her sensitive breasts. The combination of his mouth and hands on her was driving her crazy. The scent of her arousal teased his nose as he slid one hand down to caress over her panty covered mound. With his mouth, he pressed nibbling kisses over the tops of her breasts. Her skin was so soft and smooth and he found that he couldn't resist a few extra tastes of it. Her body was pliant in his hands and there was no resistance as once again he lowered himself so that he was kneeling before her. 

It was the touch of his lips against her inner thigh that first caused her head to snap back up. She looked down at him, her eyes wide as he nibbled his way up one thigh and then the other. As he reached the apex of her thighs, he would gently, teasingly brush against her panties. It wasn't long before she was quivering against him and the lace covering her was damp to the touch. Feeling her excitement was incredibly arousing and he couldn't resist the urge to see just how far he could push her. 

Holding her close with one arm, he slid his hand up between her legs.  This time, however, he did more than tease her. Brushing her panties to one side, he cupped her with his hand, his fingers pressing lightly into the damp flesh. Her eyes slid closed again and her head fell back. It'd been too long since she'd been touched like this and that mere touch was almost too much for her. Her body instinctively pressed forward, wanting more than just a touch. 

Laughing softly, it was him who first broke the silence by speaking to her. Tracing one finger along the warm, dark crevice, he smiled up at her..a bit of a wicked smile if she'd been looking, but she wasn't. She was too caught up in the feelings that were stirring deep inside of her and threatening to overwhelm her. When he spoke, it was a simple question. "Do you want this, my pet? Look at me and tell me if you want this."  It took every bit of her remaining control to raise her head and to look down at him. This time, she caught the gleam in his eye as he awaited her answer. In what was a mere whisper of sound, she spoke just one word. "Please." 

Then, he watched as her eyes grew large again as he reached into the bag next to him and pulled out a knife. It was a beautiful thing and she smiled appreciatively at it as he brought the blade up close to her soft skin. She knew no fear though the back of the knife was cold against her bare skin. With a quick flick of his wrist, he quickly dispatched of the lace that had been hiding her from him. He sat the knife once again to the side and tugged the fabric from between her legs. This was a slower process as he intentionally let it run up against her already sensitive skin. He relished the quick little intakes of breath and the soft moans as he replaced the fabric with his fingers.

She was slick beneath his touch and beyond caring that the stretch marks that covered her body were now all visible to him. She couldn't focus. She could only hold on and pray that she survived the assault of his hands and mouth on the most intimate parts of her body. The scent of her arousal filled the air and she moaned as his tongue traced the soft folds of skin that were hidden there. She longed to reach down and brace herself, but she was helpless against him as his hands and the rope held her firmly in place. 

Her last coherent thought before he slid his tongue in to tease against the ring nestled in her folds was that she had never given up this much control to anyone. After that, there was no more thinking. It was all she could do to hold on as her body pressed itself closer to the strong hands and mouth that were doing their best to drive her insane. Her body and mind were no longer her own. They belonged to him and he played them like he would a fine musical instrument. He took his cues from her, learning quickly what would cause her to moan and what would cause her body to pull against the ropes holding her in place. 

He drove her, pushing her right up against the edge and then easing her back again. He repeated this process again and again until she was little more than a quivering mass against him. Reaching down, he released the knot that held her legs in place, coiling the rope next to her as he unwound it from her legs. He smiled, watching her body as it quivered and instinctively tried to keep him close to her. Running a soothing hand up her thigh, he quietly reassured her that they were only getting started. He just wanted to move her to a safer and more comfortable location for what was to come. 

She tried taking a deep breath but it didn't help much. Her body was on fire. The only thing she could think of was getting him close to her again. Once her arms and hands were free, she reached out to him, wanting to feel his skin under her hands. Her hands feverishly pulled at the clothes that he was still wearing. He had undressed her but hadn't removed anything of his own. Reaching down, he took both her wrists into one of his hands and shook his head. "Not yet, my pet. You'll get your chance, but not yet."

He led her to the bed where he laid her out and this time, did little more than tie her hands and ankles in such a way that he had full access but she couldn't actually touch him herself. She whimpered in frustration but quieted as once again, he leaned over and started the journey down her body. He paused to nibble at the sides of her breasts and to teasingly stroke a finger and then this tongue over each of her nipples. Soon, she was writhing beneath him, begging him to take her over that edge. This time, he was happy to oblige. Sliding down between her legs, he slid a finger deep inside of her, groaning a bit himself as he felt just how tight and wet and eager she was for him. Her body welcomed him and already he could feel her pulsing around his fingers. Lowering his face, he again traced his tongue around her sweet folds, rubbing the tip up against her ring. Her hips arched of their own accord so he placed his free hand against the warmth of her belly, gently but firmly holding her in place. 

His lips and tongue moved against her, savoring the sweetness that was coating her. She was sweet, like honey and every movement of his mouth and hand brought a bit more of it to his mouth. He did more than taste. He feasted and when he knew she couldn't take any more, he pressed one final kiss and slid off the bed to stand next to her. By this point, she was begging him, not just with her body but with her eyes and her lips. Soft words of pleading slid past them as honeyed as what he had just tasted. He smiled and leaned over to kiss her long and hard before standing to remove his own clothing. Unlike her, he didn't fold it but let it lay where it fell.  They were both too aroused to care if something got a wrinkle in it. 

Sliding back between her legs, he released the ropes again, this time letting them slide to the floor. He paid them no attention. His focus was completely on her. He leaned over to kiss her and this time, her hands came up to run over his shoulders, eagerly touching him wherever she could reach. Her hands were like silk against his heated flesh. They glided over him, memorizing the feel of him against her. When one of those soft hands wrapped itself around him, his quick intake of breath combined with what was beneath her fingers told her just how much he wanted her. Nuzzling her lips against his shoulder, she tasted the desire on his skin as her hand gently stroked and caressed him. She could feel his breathing change beneath her lips and she couldn't stop the smile that spread across her lips. 

He felt it and decided that it was time he reminded her just who was in control. Reaching down, he groaned as he wrapped her wrist in his fingers and brought her hand back up over her head. Soon, he had both of her wrists trapped above her head and he was kneeling between her legs. Leaning down, he kissed her hungrily and while his mouth had hers captured, he slid up and inside of her. For a moment time stood still as they both adjusted to the feeling of their coming together at last. They had waited months for this moment and patience was no longer an option. They were together and with their bodies finally joined, they moved desperately against one another. Each of their trusts was met eagerly by the other. The only sounds in the room were of two bodies frantically joining and two sets of moans entwining in the air. Together they raced towards that edge and this time, nobody hesitated but instead, with him buried deep inside of her, they plunged over together. Her body was wrapped around his and his fingers pressed deep into her soft flesh where he held her close to him.

Gradually, the outside world started to creep in and he slid off of her, turning on his side and pulling her into his arms. She snuggled in close and smiled when she felt the soft kiss that he pressed to the top of her head. Yawning sleepily, she turned in his arms so that she could rest her cheek against his chest. Snuggled into this position she felt as well as heard his chuckle when she sleepily murmured, "Well hi there..." The last words she heard as she drifted off into a very contented sleep were, "Well hi to you too..."
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